We Make it Easy to Donate

2500+ Donation Bins
Free Home Pickups
Drive-Up Store Donation Centers

Find Nearest Donation Location

Nearest Donation Locations to {{ search.zipcode }}

{{ location.name }}

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{{ location.address.address_2 }}
{{ location.address.city }}, {{ location.address.state }} {{ location.address.zip }}


Donation Bin
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{{ location.address.city }}, {{ location.address.state }} {{ location.address.zip }}

Nearest Donation Locations to {{ search.zipcode }}

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{{ result.address.city }}, {{ result.address.state }} {{ result.address.zip }}


Donation Bin
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{{ result.address.city }}, {{ result.address.state }} {{ result.address.zip }}


{{ store.name }}

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{{ store.address.address_2 }}
{{ store.address.city }}, {{ store.address.state }} {{ store.address.zip }}


Schedule a Free Home Pickup

We make donating so easy, we’ll even come to YOU! If you live in a city with an America’s Thrift Store and have more than two bags of donations in good and ready-to-use condition, schedule a FREE home pickup with us today!


Your Donations Impact Real Lives

With every donation made to America’s Thrift Stores, we are able to give back to our six charity partners. This funding enables these organizations to improve the lives of children with critical illnesses and those affected by addiction.

Learn More

What to Donate

We graciously accept gently-used clothing, toys, furniture, household goods, and more! Click below for a more thorough list of what we can and cannot accept as donations.

What to Donate

Find a Store

Did you know you could drop off donations at your nearest America’s Thrift Store? Swing by, pop the trunk, and a donation attendant will handle the rest!

Find a Store